Sunday, June 21, 2009

An Update on myself

It's been over a month since I typed up something on here, and my myspace blog. Since taking the daytime receiving job, I feel a lot more tired than I did when I was working afternoons/evenings as an order picker. I haven't learned the job as a Receiving Clerk as I should have been. Delfina seems to want me to do all the heavy work, while she gets to sit on her ass doing all the paperwork. If I'm expected to know how to do the job while she's gone, then I need to learn everything there is to do the job. I don't see it happening, and I'm thinking that my job as a Receiving Clerk might be short lived. I'm trying to stick it out, but I don't know how much longer I can take it. I hate my job even more. I don't know if I'm gonna look for another job completely, or ask to go back to afternoons/evenings. Either way, I'm not getting anything done at home. It either I work late, and come home to someone who sleeps, while I still had some energy, but couldn't do any work around the house. Or, work during the day, be exhausted when I come home, and usually sleep by the time I get home. I also hate Gina's husband, Greg from Vitran. Gina works in QA for the Warehouse side, but isn't supervised by my boss, Dick. Greg & I got into an argument over petty shit a few weeks ago. Other than work, I did make it out to Touché for their IML (International Mr. Leather) festivities. Chicago Eagle is normally in on this, and the big sponsor of the contest. The weren't in on this this year, due to being forced out of their old location on September 1, 2008. They were supposed to have been opened at their new location before Christmas, but something happened that delayed the reopening. But back to Touché. I went there on Saturday & Sunday nights. Saturday night was gear night (wish Sunday was as well), where guys had to have some leather (or a military, police, or fireman uniform) on in order to get into the backroom. It should have been that way last year. I'm glad it was put into place. It kept the twinks, and other people not into that stuff out of the backroom. At least it kept qnomeiu tramtqeu out, along with hisher buddy. Sunday was their night with the people from spankthis. I had an ok time, but wish it had been more exciting. I'll have a separate review on a Polish restaurant I went to, called Czerwone Jabłuszko (Red Apple). It was my first time eating Polish food, and it's a lot different from American food, where Polish food doesn't use a lot of salt & sugar. Most of their food has been incorporated into American cuisine, but theirs isn't salty or sweet like American food is. I'll go more into detail in another blog. I went there on Memorial Day. My niece graduated from high school in Lafayette Indiana, and is looking at college. She's thinking about college down in Indianapolis, rather than in the Lafayette/West Lafayette area. No decision has been made. My brother always bitch that he's broke, but always seems to manage to find the money to go down to Danville Illinois to see this drama bitch named Sharon he met on the internet. He drives a gas guzzling truck that he refuses to get rid of, despite gas prices going back up. He wouldn't stop driving it when gas prices peaked at $4.30 last year. I know he spend over $150 - $200 a week driving his truck. He doesn't need, but he thinks different. He won't sacrifice anything for anyone. I've sacrificed more than he has. I don't feel sorry for him because he makes about $19-$20 an hour, and gets overtime here & there. I'm only making $8.50 an hour, and struggle to make ends meet on that. I haven't been able to move out on my own, and one of my former employers bad reputation costed me jobs that I would have liked to pursue. So the only jobs I get are the ones that usually no one else wants, or leaves after a short period of time, and are low paying. So my brother is someone that shouldn't bitch about money problems. I should be the one to bitch, since I haven't been able to get a good paying job locally, and can't afford to move either, or I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have a mother that wants to stay in Gary Indiana, but I'd like to move to Milwaukee Wisconsin, but I have no family there. My family is primarily local (old retired family members), and those still working live primarily in Arizona & California. I do have family in Michigan, but jobs are that scarce. I also have family in Florida, but to my knowledge, just my cousin, Eric, who's in the coast guard, and living on a military base. So he could move anytime, just like my cousin Todd did, when he left the Marines, but his wife stayed in the Marines, and transferred from Pennsylvania to California. So unless I hit it big in the lottery or a national sweepstakes, I'm stuck, because I have no family in Wisconsin (my family frowns on Wisconsin), and the few people I knew than think I would be better off in Chicago. I like Chicago, but too expensive to live there, and I only like to visit Chicago. If I liked Chicago that bad, I'd stay by choice where I'm at. Where I'm at isn't by choice. Where I stay at is because there aren't many good paying jobs to save money to move, and no one wants to help me out out of town. Most people I meet think Chicago would be the best choice for me. So I can't win. Today's Father's Day, but doing nothing, since my dad has been dead for almost 18 years now. Both of my Grandpas are dead too. That's all for now. If I have time, I'll have that blog created for my review on Czerwone Jabłuszko (Red Apple).

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