Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Week on Days

This has been a rough week at work, due to a lack of time to prepare myself for readjusting my sleep to be asleep by latest, 10pm. I've made it. I feel that I work a lot harder on days than on afternoons. Other than labeling stock & putting it away, I'm also given a hot list of part #'s that need to be pulled for orders to go out that day. That means I have to get Gina & Denise from QA to check those parts right away. I also have to check the box count that the vendors provide everyday that it matches up with the manifest, and sign off on it. We currently have 3 outside vendors that put parts together, and they also do some rework too (whether problems at the plant, or parts that come back from Mexico that require rework). Besides that, there's unloading trailers that come in from various carriers, as well as a truck that brings us our shipments from Mexico (I hate that one).
Delfina still has to show me more of the job, as I'm her backup for when she's gone for a day, or a week. It's gonna take me time, but I'll eventually get the hang of the job, even if I preferred to work in shipping. Tony also has to show me how to pull & process Pella, as I'm his backup on that. Don is a big help too. I don't know why Chris didn't like Don. Chris was trying to get Don fired by taking all credit for the work, where Don was doing all the work, while Chris sat on the forklift most of the day, and sat at his desk checking & sending e-mail (including checking & sending porn through the company e-mail). Since I came onto days, work is getting put away a lot faster than it did when Chris was there. Besides sitting on the forklift & being at his now former desk, he was also drunk everyday, which got him fired. I am definitely an asset to the shift.
My likes about the job:
It's a day job.
I'm usually keeping busy with my new job.
I have my own desk with a computer by it (even if I can't use internet most of the time).
I'm now included in birthday & anniversary parties the shift holds.
The day shift is never dull, as it's unpredictable.
I'm home in the evening hours.
I can even go out to Chicago once in a while during the week.
My Dislikes about the job:
I had to take a job in the receiving department to get a day job. Not that it's bad, but I like
pulling orders the best, and wanted to process them as well.
I now have a company e-mail address. I don't like having that, as I'm now gonna be scrutinized for any e-mails I might send that aren't good. For as long as I've been there, I've been ok w/o e-mail. Now I have it :(.
I have to hear from Bryce about Richard's b.s. Richard has become an even bigger asshole since I left the shift. Richard even tattles on Cindy's son, Brian. Brian is only part-time, and for the time he's there, he gets more done than what Richard gets done in the same time frame. I expected problems to arise when I switched to days. I was holding up the shift in overall work.
I have to deal with the head honchos (including my boss, Dick), but I knew that, or I wouldn't have put in for the job.
My mom makes me drive the P.O.S. (piece of shit) car to work, since she needs her car for her doctor's appointments. She's got the nicer looking car.
I no longer get to go to any buffets for lunch on Fridays, now that I work days. I'm gonna especially miss going to Old Country Buffet for their very cheap lunch, where one location charged $6.99 for lunch, and another one for 20¢ less from 11am - 3pm Monday - Friday. Regular price is $8.29. Even Golden Corral is now out of the question, as well as any chinese buffet.
For places I can go for lunch, the selection is limited in Lowell. All there is is: Burger King (not crazy about their food), McDonalds (gross), Subway (too expensive), Athens Grill (ok, but I've had better), McVey's (excellent food, but expensive. Only went there once because the company treated us to mark 1Million hours w/o a lost time accident). There's George's (ok, but don't have a lot of time to wait for food, and not sure if they allow advance orders, and carryout). Aurelios (pizza too greasy), Pizza Hut (also too greasy), Italian Outpost (expensive, and pizza is greasy), No. 1 Chinese (overall nasty food, but affordable), Dairy Queen (ok food, but portion sizes are too small), Schoops (good food, but unless money isn't an issue, then this place is expensive, as they don't have lunch & dinner combos). There are a few other places, but I don't remember them all. I heard Pizza House is good, but they're only open for dinner, and closed Mondays. Since I never been there, No comment. At least I'm near some restaurants, unlike when I worked in Wheeling at Hidden Valley Mfg. thru Kelly Services. Most resturants were either in neighboring Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, or Northbrook.
So while I don't like everything about my job, or things I would do at lunch time, the fact that I'm on days is overall good enough, and once I'm well adjusted in my work hours & sleep, I should be able to get some stuff done at home.

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